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Meghan Markle's Acai Bowl: PKU Friendly!

In honor of the new royal baby on the way I want to share with you Meghan Markle's favorite breakfast; the acai bowl. Acai is a trendy superfood but Markle has helped it reach a new level of attention. Her acai bowl has been featured on various talk shows and all over the internet. Acai is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and low in sugar. Shockingly, it is also extremely low in phe. Even better, it is easy to adapt for either the low protein or high protein option making this an excellent breakfast for the whole family.

PKU win!

Usually, it seems as if every trendy food is packed full of protein. So, when I researched the popular acai bowl I was thrilled to see how low it was... one single-serving packet of fruit is 8 mg of phe. Now, the rest is up to you. Depending on your phe tolerance, you can mix with anything from flax milk (0 mg phe) to coconut milk (20 to 40 mg of phe per 8 ounces) to almond milk (105 mg phe per 8 ounces). Of course, I chose flax milk (I never want to waste my phe tolerance on "milk" substitutes).

This is a delicious and satisfying meal. Even better, it is suitable for a duchess so why not make it for yourself? Top with whatever delicious flavors and textures you please and dig in!

Meghan Markle's Acai Bowl:

  1. Blend one 3.5 ounce frozen açaí packet with 1/3 cup of your desired milk (I used flax milk, of course), 1/2 banana, a handful of frozen berries.

  2. This should be thick so add milk sparingly as you go.

  3. Top with coconut flakes, fresh berries, sliced banana, a drizzle of honey, sprinkle of bee pollen, or any other fruit of your choice. Get creative!

  4. Serve immediately.

Duchess tip: store the serving bowl and acai packets in freezer so acai stays thick and frozen longer.

My favorite topping was dried raspberry and cocoa nibs!

For the high protein option, add peanut butter.

Mix in different juices for a little extra dimension. Don't go too crazy if it is not frozen as the acai mix will melt faster. This was one we liked:

Mama Margaret's


Always cook with wine. All recipes are better with wine.



The more color, the better the flavor.



Rotate low protein specialty foods with fruits and veggies to maintain low levels without counting.


Supplement with regular exercise to better tolerate phe consumption. 

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