A PKU Oktoberfest
Anytime there is a get together it is important to plan ahead and think of the individual with PKU. Now that I have my own house and small little family I find myself thinking less of preparing PKU friendly food and preparing mostly high protein options. I have identified that and my goal for 2018 was to focus more on cooking low protein options when going to parties or hosting.
This past weekend, our family friends hosted Oktoberfest. The party included a full-blown German band, handmade soft pretzels, the best sauerkraut I've ever had, and a keg of bubbling Augustiner-Brau.
My dad and [non-PKU] sissy
My family here. Rare that all six of us are together!
The guys with their Bavarian hats
In planning, I noticed our friend's Oktoberfest prep included testing out their recipe of soft pretzels. That inspired me and I eagerly attempted soft pretzels. I whipped up the dough, rolled into pretzel shapes, parboiled and then baked. These suckers turned out great. Highly recommend! I also packed my favorite spiked seltzers because alcohol phe is not worth it to me. I usually stick to cider, wine, or a mixed drink if zero phe.
Below is my full plate: fresh fruit, green salad with a lemon vinaigrette, pretzel, and both red and white cabbage sauerkraut. Little hint: heat up the sauerkraut. It's a game changer.
Low Pro Soft Pretzels
1. Use the breadmaker set on "dough" function to prepare your favorite bread recipe. I used my bread recipe posted in April (on blog or September 6 on Instagram).
2. Knead and add wheat starch as needed to prevent from sticking. Section off and roll into 20 inch by .5 inch pieces.
3. Shape into large pretzels. Pinch the middle and ends to ensure they stay together.
4. Boil water in a 10 or 12 inch fry pan. Add one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of baking soda to water.
5. With a slotted spoon place the pretzels in the boiling water for 10 seconds each. Place on baking sheet after. Brush with oil and sprinkle with coarse salt. Kosher worked just fine for me.
6. Bake at 425 convect or 450 bake for 25 minutes or until toasty brown.
Enjoy warm with cheese sauce, honey mustard, or spicy mustard.