Baingan Bharta
Have you ever tried this dish? It is one of the only dishes we can order at an Indian restaurant usually without modification.
It is also one of my all time favorites.
The flavors are unlike any other I've had. The crucial ingredient is garam masala. This is a tricky one because it is likely the only recipe you will use this spice in. If you can think of another creative way to use that spice, give me a holler. I would suggest buying a small amount from the bulk section, which would be optimal compared to an entire bottle of the spice.

The eggplant must be roasted until charred. This makes peeling the skin off much easier and the flesh soft enough to mash. I throw a little oil on the outside and put it in the oven on convection. Note: I did not roast the eggplant long enough in the pictures below. Believe it or not, not all recipes turn out as expected... hehe.

Once you peel the skin off you can mash it and add in with other ingredients. For this recipe I attempted to mix with the riced cauliflower, CBF short grain rice, and spices for a single pot dish. My goal was to save phe. However, it was much more delicious in previous attempts when I made the low protein rice and eggplant base separately. The separate dishes are how the Indian restaurants will serve the dish as well, so it feels more authentic that way.

The best recipe I have found is linked below. Enjoy!